Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Firestorm Armada: Silent but Deadly

Who's got 12 ships and just backstabbed his local Dindrenzi player? This guy.

Welcome back, inter-webs!  It's been a bit.  We have some new stuff coming up soon, and an episode or two on the editing...table?  Desk?  Wherever editing is done...

So speaking of backstabbing Darren...

For those who don't know, Miniature Market- one of my favorite places to get minis at the moment- is having a 'lil bit of a sale on Spartan Games' gameses.  (That sounded a bit like Gollum)  And since I've been playing a crapton of Elite: Dangerous lately, what better way to celebrate my space-faring sci-fi mood than to bolster the ranks of my Kurak Alliance fleets.

So, to start, I've always liked the majority of the Kurak Alliance fleets.  The Tarakians had originally caught my eye, as I love Gravitational Weaponry and Torps, but I rescinded that thought; After all, I have my Terrans for that.  Hawker Industries have always seemed kinda cool, but very Terran like.  Torpedoes and Nuclear weapons on ships with great shields?  Been there.  The Xelocians are yet without most of their fleet, though Spartan seems to indicate it will be coming out soon.  Even though the Kurak Alliance seems like a group of general purpose bad-asses, I've yet to see anything that really stands out that's currently available...

Wait, Big star-dragons with mines? An in-your-face, rush-down fleet...  What?!  That's a thing?! Wait, they can ambush other ships?  Their ships are gargantuan and look friction' awesome?  Where has this fleet been?!?!

Somehow, in all my digging, I've seemed to miss this hunk of bad-assery. Behold, the Veydreth!
Big effin' ships!
I have to say, I'm really impressed with these guys.  They seem to play differently than the majority of the other Alliance fleets.  I like the fact that they are mobile as hell, and boast pretty decent weaponry to boot.  And the mines!

Here's the backstabbing Darren part:  my lovely co-host has been attempting to build a mine heavy fleet.  Darren plays Zenian League fleets: the Directorate and Dindrenzi Federation.  While some of those guys have a bit of explosive ordnance dispersed amongst their myriad ships, the Veydreth boast a good amount of mine-based board denial.  Loving the double mines MAR on the Predator Battleship, and even the little frigates have mines to contribute.  

Such happy! 

The movement speed on these guys boast is amazing...

Anyway.  Mini Market is currently offering an additional 20% on their site.  I couldn't resist: one Patrol fleet and a box of these tasty Veydreth gunships.

To Ambush or not to Ambush?

Hopefully, the Zenian bastards won't see the ambush coming.  'til next time! May the Alliance prevail!

- Ragna

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dystopian Wars: Empire of the Blazing Sun

Whoops sorry all for a late blog. I admit I forgot it was apparently my turn to post. Do not fret however, I was working the EofBS naval ships. Currently I am trying my best to complete all nine frigates: the Uwatsu. Here was a painted test model: 

How let the remaining fleet be painted. I am tempted to place a small decal on each ships. Either ship numbers or an imperial sun.

Here is where the fleet is at currently. A lot of work in progress. All ships now are painted with red details. 

Can not wait until the battleship, cruiser and bomber is completed. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dystopian Wars: Battlefield

So, Darren and I spent our last Saturday night working on a 'lil something-something for our soon to be ship-laden battlefields.

...Or, rather, battle-oceans?  I'm not really sure what to call an oceanic battlefront.

Anyway, rambling aside, we did a rather nice job on the two boards we made. Starting with a 6'x4' piece of fabric apprehended from Joann's Fabrics, we applied some cool brushings using a variety of disemboweled sink and auto sponges.

The results?

I'm excited to unleash some Croissanty hell on the high seas.